Six misunderstandings in online marketing promotion


Many friends think that this is because they do not understand network marketing and do not have a good grasp of these methods. In fact, many enterprise network marketing is not effective because of cognitive errors. Once the cognitive errors are wrong, there will be problems in the back road. Here are six misconceptions about network marketing:

Misunderstanding 1. Network marketing does not require investment

Compared to traditional marketing methods, online marketing does require less investment, but less investment does not mean no investment. Especially in terms of manpower, many enterprises have only one or two people in the network department, but undertake the tasks of website planning, technical maintenance, content construction, network promotion and online sales. Even some companies need to manage the company's local area network and computer maintenance. Do not believe there is such a decathlon marketing promoter. Even if there are, if not the executives of a large company, they will start a business, and it is impossible to nest in a small company with a meager salary.

Misunderstanding 2, network promotion is to send promotional information

Network promotion is more than just sending a message, in addition, even the distribution itself and telemarketing is a very technical job. That doesn't mean knowing how to search for forums, register for forums, copy and paste is effective. Although everyone jokes that the Internet is an IT migrant worker, what they do is not as unskilled as a porter.

If an enterprise really regards online promotion as an online migrant worker, and imagines it as a job with no technical content at all, it is equivalent to losing at the starting line. It loses out to rivals online.

Misunderstanding 3: Internet marketing is a lifesaver

It's a good thing that businesses take network marketing seriously, but for individual businesses, expectations are too high. Especially in some highly competitive industries, or companies that encounter bottlenecks themselves, they like to use Internet marketing as a life-saving straw, thinking that Internet marketing alone can save companies. This idea is biased. Network marketing is network marketing, just a marketing method, just borrowing the emerging high-tech platform network. While it may be cheaper and more effective than traditional marketing, it is by no means to say that online marketing can bring businesses back to life on the brink of bankruptcy. Whether an enterprise can be benign depends entirely on whether the enterprise puts users first, and whether its products and services are excellent. This is the key to the enterprise's success.

Misunderstanding 4. Network promotion is not equal to network marketing

Many friends who are new to network marketing like to confuse network marketing and network promotion, thinking that network promotion is network marketing, and network marketing is network promotion. But in fact, it's not. Let's talk about the difference between the two first.

Internet promotion focuses on promoting two words. Literally, the meaning of promoting two words is to let more people know about the product as much as possible. As long as others know the product, it will achieve the purpose of promotion, and it is also a successful promotion. Usually network promotion investment is relatively small, from the manpower point of view, one person can also operate. The key to successful online promotion is execution, such as changing friendship links, which is a very basic promotion effort. To do this job well, it's easy, just talk OK online every day. Even if we talk about it again, when looking for 10,000 people, you will always get hundreds of people. It all depends on execution.

Internet marketing focuses on the word marketing, the purpose of marketing is not just to let people know that the product is like a promotion, but the most important thing is to generate actual economic benefits. How good or bad a marketing effort is often depends on how many products or services are sold. Usually, network marketing investment is relatively large, which cannot be done by one person and requires teamwork. The key to success in internet marketing is creativity. For example, we all know event marketing, and many people know how to do it. However, the key to successful event marketing is the quality of event planning, which is all about creativity. The same event cannot be replicated. That doesn't mean you can come up with good ideas if you have strong execution and hard work.

So when doing network marketing, we must pay attention that we are doing marketing, not promotion, and don't stare at the promotion data. For example, blindly looking at IP numbers, etc., must see the final marketing effect, and the same is true when recruiting personnel. Distinguish the difference between promoters and marketers. If you're hiring promoters, don't post marketing metrics to others.

Misunderstanding 5. Having a website is doing internet marketing

Usually, companies need to build a platform for online marketing, such as a marketing website. Personally, it is very necessary to build such a website for online marketing. But this is only an integral part of network marketing, network marketing is a systematic project, not building a website can be called network marketing, building a website is only the first step. In addition, getting the website to generate traffic and the traffic to convert sales is the ultimate goal.

Misunderstanding 6. SEO equals internet marketing

Due to the increase in the market share of search engines and the popularity of SEO technology, many companies have chosen SEO as a means of Internet marketing. SEO is just a way of network promotion, not the whole of network promotion. Also, as mentioned earlier, there is still a layered relationship between network promotion and network marketing. So don't think that doing SEO means doing online marketing. Even think that companies do network marketing, only SEO is the way. From this perspective of SEO alone, to achieve a good SEO effect requires the cooperation of many parties. Even though SEO can bring a large number of users, whether it can be retained depends on the products and services of the company, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

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