Before doing network marketing, enterprises must first learn network marketing thinking
Poor channel promotion and customer acquisition? Have you ever wondered if there is a problem with the marketing direction? According to market data surveys, 75% of marketers don’t know how to use internet marketing thinking to choose direction. Today, use the Internet Marketing Funnel Model to help you analyze how to choose different industries and the purpose of Internet marketing!
Marketing purposes determine the direction of marketing, and different marketing purposes will produce different marketing results. No matter which marketing channel you choose, you first need to determine the marketing purpose, and then use the following 6 network marketing purposes to help you further sort out your network marketing thinking.
1. Increase product awareness
If you are a newly launched product and want to increase your awareness of your product and let more users know about your product, then you must first build a crowd portrait, find the audience for your product, and break through your product selling points.
2. Increase brand exposure
If the industry wants to increase brand exposure and improve brand awareness, it must first carry out product positioning, find high-exposure promotion channels, quickly increase product exposure, grow grass for its own brand, and build user brand impressions.
3. Increase product sales
If you want to increase product sales, obtain transactions quickly, and realize the rapid realization of products, you must first do a good job in the value of products. Product quality is the core element to impress users. Choose e-commerce companies such as Taobao and Pinduoduo in channel selection. The platform, as well as the short video live broadcast channel, can be quickly realized in a short period of time, increasing the turnover of online marketing products.
4. Attract the interest of customers
If the purpose of your network marketing is to make users interested in the product, you can build a co-branded product so that more people can see your product ideas and be interested in your branded products.
5. Increase customer trust
If you want to increase customer trust, you can integrate multi-channel online marketing promotion and multi-point contact with products. Your brand products can be seen in physical stores, advertising spaces, websites, Xiaohongshu, etc., so users will naturally believe in you Brands because most people have a "herd mentality".
6. Guide word-of-mouth communication
In order to achieve the purpose of network marketing, guide word-of-mouth communication, and achieve the fission effect of the product, it is necessary to let users know the selling point of your product, and break through the selling point, such as "lipsticks, watches, accessories", which can be realized in a short time. Fission high frequency fission industrial products.