Really understand the essence of network marketing, in order to do a good job in network marketing!
As the network grows, the client's position becomes active. Consumers can find the product information or brand knowledge they want without waiting for the help of businesses and place an order according to their needs when entering the official website. The network market has the characteristics that the traditional marketing market does not have, and these characteristics are the advantages of the whole network marketing. In the new era, we have put forward a solution of strategy + operation + implementation + transformation from four aspects.
1. Goal-Oriented: Develop a Marketing Strategy
Any company entering a new market, even online or offline, domestic or foreign, needs to consider two aspects that are the same and where they are different. Therefore, when formulating marketing strategies, companies need to think from these five perspectives:
Clarify the business problems of the enterprise;
Put the company in the big market environment to find opportunities;
Find the differentiating advantages of competitors' brands;
Accurately locate the most scientific influence channels and link brands with products;
Find the intersection of the enterprise's own needs and the consumer's needs.
The market is the premise of marketing. Every time you enter the market, it is the reconstruction of marketing ability and the innovation of new combination of marketing knowledge. Before setting expected goals, enterprises need to be goal-oriented, targeted and suitable for the market to formulate marketing strategies.
2. Winning the Brand Competition: Network Marketing Operation
Whether it is the traditional marketing model or the network marketing model, the competition of enterprises is the competition of brands, and this law is unchanged. If an enterprise wants to win in the fierce brand competition, it needs to carry out effective brand marketing for the enterprise.
The actual operation of the entire network marketing, precise and accurate expansion of the brand, exposure of the brand, and promotion of brand awareness, every step is indispensable, and practice can generate true knowledge.
3. 1+1>2: Implementation
In order to achieve strategic goals, the implementation of the entire network marketing needs to complete integrated marketing and control various resources held by the enterprise. Integrated marketing can make each marketing channel interconnected to achieve the effect of 1+1>2. Now and even in the future, the real network marketing, to optimize the consumer's demand response, minimize energy waste.
By connecting audiences, allowing audiences to reach brands, so that potential customers no longer make one-time purchases. Enterprises should keep up with the development trend of the Internet, keep up with market demand, integrate existing resources, and implement them.
4. Marketing Four Steps: The Final Conversion of Results
There are four key steps to improve the conversion rate of the entire network marketing to you - judge you - know you - contact you.
- Find you (gather traffic)
Enterprise information needs large-scale exposure and diversified display in order to allow customers to obtain product information on multiple platforms and channels.
- Judge you (facilitate dating)
How to convince users to trust you? Content marketing is the cannonball of internet marketing! Enterprises create content through news + video + Q&A to help users understand enterprise products, brands, culture, etc.
- Get to know you (build a platform)
Corporate websites need to have a better user experience and inspire customers to understand your desires. The style of the website is in line with the target group and the market positioning of the enterprise, in fact, it is to convey a kind of information to the visitors, so as to attract the visitors visually, thereby creating user stickiness.
- Contact you (quick order)
Let users choose to contact you! Audiences are channeled through various advertising channels, and the closer you get to potential customers, the easier it is to facilitate transactions.
For small and medium-sized enterprises, in the wave of rapid changes in the Internet, they should consider the situation and choose the network marketing channel that suits them. Make full use of the entire network integrated marketing model, improve the innovation driving ability of traditional industries, accelerate the pace of upgrading and transformation, and keep up with the development of the times.